The Vacation Chronicles Day 22

Busy day today. Coffee with Lady and Marmalade...not the instant stuff either!! Shocked and vacuumed the pool. At this moment its looking pretty good! Mowed the back yard. I had to because when Marmalade walked through the grass I couldn't see her and when Lady laid down I could barely see her! Worked on the back yard project while Lady and Marmalade supervised from a shady spot in the freshly mowed yard. Had to make an emergency run to the grocery store..was running low on important supplies like; creamer for me and Cheerios for Dusty! I will be cleaning her cage tonight because I didn't do it last night...fell asleep during my movie...woke up as the credits were rolling. Everything and everyone is well here but we miss you all!!

1 Response to "The Vacation Chronicles Day 22"

  1. Kathy says:
    June 12, 2011 at 7:50 AM

    Sounds like you're having some wonderful "mow"ments at the Wright house. Let's hear it for fresh ground coffee!!! : )